Fundamentals of Happiness

If you have read my last post, you very well know the critical issue lurking in our lives today. If not, do give it a read!

You know sadness is temporary and it is possible to stay happy forever. ‘HOW’ is the BIG question???  This post is all about the ‘HOW’ part.

Before reading further, close your eyes for a while and ask yourself this question:

What is happiness for me?

You surely got some answers. You must have visualized happiness in the form of a big house, being promoted for your job, earning a grand sum of money, luxury car, a yearlong vacation, skydiving, water sports, birthday celebrations, mountains, rains, helping poor, being a support to family, holding your new-born baby and many more. How did you feel when your eyes were shut? Happy? Oh Yes. Because happiness lies in the dreams that you see. Happiness is not the desire but it is the feeling you get when you receive your desire.

Why you fail at staying happy all the time?

It is because you think that dreams are just dreams and you cannot manifest it in real life. Imagine a life where you get what you desire at that very moment. Will it not be magical? Will you not be happy? This is absolutely possible if you understand the fundamentals of staying happy.


Happiness lies within you. It is in your thoughts. Fundamental of staying happy is to feel happy by changing the route of your thoughts. The steering wheel of your thoughts is in your own hands. You need to drive cautiously. Life is not the highway but a narrow twisted lane where you need to concentrate while you drive. Or else, you may bump into an unexpected boulder that you never desired! By changing the route of your thoughts, I mean you need to monitor your mind for a couple of days to record what you think of all day long. Because the feeling either GOOD or BAD is an outcome of your own thoughts.

If the first thought that you get in morning is something harsh about your work, you will notice that the day at office sucked. You will come back home complaining about it and the next day will go as bad as the previous. If you change your thought and be thankful for your job in the morning, you will see the magic of it all. You will come home happy and relaxed. Try it for a day and share your experience in the comments.

Happiness is all about being grateful!

Let me introduce you to the magical world of happiness in my next post.

Until then,

Spread Happiness, Spread Love!





14 thoughts on “Fundamentals of Happiness

  1. Hi di,
    This is the best thing I came through today and it’s really refreshing for our thoughts. Each and every point is true for me. Waiting for the next post. Write soon and spread happiness. Lots of love.

    Liked by 1 person

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